Article published in 2003
Question by Christine
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Comments : What is statistically unbelievable, is that the concept of the house appears in half of the cards that were drawn: in The Moon, the House of God and The Sun (the wall). Next, the concept of the couple appears several times: The Sun and The Moon le Soleil et la Lune one above the other; the two small figures in The Sun AND in The Devil; The Emperor, the man of the couple, and clearly the Lover. These concepts of couple and of house are linked, and disputes have arisen about this! Christine confirms what the tarot tells us.
In the past: The Moon reversed often represents disputes, and here they are solved by good and healthy communication about the construction work with others (Sun).
In the present: The house is upright; this card answers favourably!
In the future: It can be made a reality, but there is a problem! The Emperor is a man who makes projects a reality on the Earth, and it is reversed. The man has a problem in relation to this house; he is turning his back on it, and looking at The Lover.
The Devil in solution appears often for people who lack firmness, who don’t dare to assert themselves or their way of thinking. Christine must dare to assert herself about what she wants: if she makes others see things her way, she will live in her home before the end of summer!
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