Copyright © Philippe CAMOIN
In the 20th century, Tarot readers used the cards as archetypes. This means that each card was interpreted on its own. Readers did not establish dynamic relationships between the cards. At most they contented themselves by commenting on associations between two cards, but without linking them to the codes.
Looking at the Camoin 3x7 diagram, I can demonstrate that the personages in certain cards are looking at symbols in another card which is placed next to it. For example, the Pope is regarding the angel in the Lover. The angel of Temperance gazes in the direction of the human beings who suffer at the bottom of Arcanum 13. Etc.
I understood that there was a "Law of the Regard" and I revealed this in 1999. This was a considerable advance in the interpretation of the Tarot because there is a great quantity of information which the simple cross and Celtic spreads cannot convey… this is why I use the Law of the Regard in the Camoin Method of Tarot reading which I devised in 1999. (See The Law of the Regard)
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