Camoin Method of Tarot Reading

The Three Card Spread (recommended)

The Three Card Spread or the "Divine Spread"

also known as

The "Spread of Le Mat" or The "Spread of the Pilgrim"

It is the Three Card variant that I use in all my courses. The reason is that this is the one that directly connects with the world of God. The number 3 is a sacred number.

This approach could also be called the "Soul Spread" or even the "Spread of the Spiritual Pilgrim" or the "Spread of Le Mat".

This spread makes it possible to thoroughly understand the client, whether the issue is on the level of the personality or of the soul. At the same time, it allows the reader to change their own awareness and to advance on the path of initiation while reading for others.

In the Three Card Spread, the first three cards represent from left to right the past, the present, and the future respectively. I have taught since 1999 that this movement corresponds to the card Le Mat, whose movement in the card implies three points in time. The part of the path that is behind him, is his past. The part of the path where he finds himself now—is the present. And the part that he has not reached, his future. Read the article: Le Mat: the Spatiotemporal Frame of Reference of the Tarot

The energy that emerges from this spread is that of the Holy Spirit. Clairvoyants see a slightly golden luminescence which is the light of intuition.

It is this spread that is referred to throught this site and in my courses, so I will say no more here…. Also see particularly: Camoin Method of Tarot Reading

Philippe Camoin

Copyright © Philippe Camoin
The Camoin Laws, the Camoin Codes, the Camoin 3x7 diagram, as well as the Philippe Camoin Reading Method have been protected by copyright since the years 1997 to 2000.

Copyright © Philippe CAMOIN 1997-2014 All Rights Reserved
This site uses the cards of the Marseilles Tarot rebuilt by Philippe Camoin and Alexandre Jodorowsky.
Copyright of Camoin-Jodorowsky Tarot cards © Philippe Camoin & Alejandro Jodorowsky 1997 All Rights Reserved

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Philippe Camoin Marseilles Tarot School
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